The holiday season is an opportunity to spend time with family and friends, to take some time off work, or even escape for a winter getaway. For all the joy and fun, though, so comes the stress.
The expectations of social events, gift shopping, and entertaining
guests can become too much for even the most festive types. In fact, according
to the American Psychological Association 8 out of 10 people expect to
experience an increase in stress over the holiday season.
With stress comes a greater risk of anxiety and depression,
and reports from the Mayo Clinic show that depression is frequently an
unwelcome guest over the holidays.
All is not lost however, there are many ways you can minimize
your stress and anxiety to allow you to truly enjoy the season.
Set A
Shopping can be fun, but spending money isn’t always easy,
and Americans spend almost a $1,000 every holiday season on gifts alone. It’s
unavoidable, but you can minimize the damage by setting a budget and sticking
to it.
A lot of the stress that we experience during the holidays is
due to financial pressure and the Mayo Clinic suggests that setting a budget
can be beneficial to your stress levels. Work out how much you can afford to
spend on food and gifts, and stick to it.
The American Heart Association wants you to stay active all
the time, but it’s extremely important to keep that up during the holidays. Any
activity or exercise you can fit in will help reduce your stress and elevate
your mood. It’s going to stimulate endorphin production and trigger a positive
feeling in your body.
You might be busy, but if you can find time to exercise for
half an hour three times a week, you will feel better. You can go walking or
jogging, swimming or biking, play sports, and find time for aerobics.
Take It
The American Psychological Association reminds us that we
need to take time for ourselves. There are parties and gatherings and we are
constantly surrounded by people. It’s great to be with the ones we love and
laugh about the old days.
You shouldn’t miss all those great times, but what you should
be careful of is setting unrealistic expectations. You can’t do everything, and
it’s okay to take time out for yourself, even if it’s just 15 minutes.
If you do a whole lot of hosting, make sure you delegate-
whether you ask everyone to bring a different dish, or you rope in the family to take on certain tasks.
Stay Smart
The holiday season is a time of indulgence, but as the Mayo
Clinic directs- it doesn’t mean you should abandon your healthy ways. There’s
no need for a free for all that will just add to your stress.
Enjoy yourself, but try having healthy snacks before holiday
gatherings so you don’t over snack while you’re out. Make sure that you’re
getting plenty of sleep, as you are more likely to overindulge after a poor
night’s sleep.
Choose Your
We all have someone in our circle that rubs us the wrong way.
It’s only natural- not everyone can always get along. Allowing someone else to
get under your skin, though, is only going to ruin your holiday and increase
your stress levels. Learn to pick your battles, and don’t take the bait.
The Mayo Clinic suggests that if you have a real problem with
someone, set it aside and save it for another day. Even the calmest people can
lose their cool during the holidays.
Bottom Line
Self-care is a conscious
choice and this is even truer during times of more stress, such as the holiday
season. Make sure to take the time and create a deliberate plan! Remember, the
holidays are supposed to be a time of fun, family,
and relaxation, do not let stress interfere with this great time of year.